Это предварительный просмотр рецепта "Mini Burgers | Mini Egg Burgers | Party Burger Idea | Cute Little Burgers Recipe | Homemade Mini Burgers".

Рецепт Mini Burgers | Mini Egg Burgers | Party Burger Idea | Cute Little Burgers Recipe | Homemade Mini Burgers
by Divya Pramil

Here's a cute lil mini burger recipe that will definitely amaze all your guests in your party next time! I have already posted the bun and egg patty recipes earlier refer them before proceeding; just prepare the buns a little ahead and then arrange when you need or before serving. The egg patties can be made within a few minutes with minimal effort, but tastes brilliant along with the buns. You can make normal sized patties and make it a regular burger too! Make some changes, add your favorite ingredients, sauces or spreads, add some lettuce leaves if you can fetch from your grocery store and enjoy!


Makes 5 mini burgers

Toothpicks - Few


Chop tomatoes and onion such that they are like squares.

To eliminate the hard and pungent taste of onions immerse cut onion pieces into ice cold water for a few minutes and then use.

Now all you have to do is arrange them as burgers.

Get your patties ready! I've shared a recipe for easy egg patties which I have used here, you can use the same or make your own versions.

Take mini burger buns and cut into two halves.

Spread some sauce on one side and mayo on the other, place an onion slice over one half of the bun, then keep a patty above it and then a tomato piece. Then top it with a coriander leaf! Cover with the other half of the bun.

Insert a toothpick and serve! Amaze your kids and party guests.

TIP 1: The same can be done with normal sized buns, just make the patties a little bigger and use sliced onions.

TIP 2: This is just a simple version you can customize with different flavors add more interesting elements like cheese etc!