Рецепт Minestrone Soup Mix And Recipe

- If you need a little something extra to give a special friend, attach an attractive soup ladle with ribbon to the gift package.
- Combine first 8 ingredients; divide into 4 gift pkgs.. Add in 2 Tbsp. bouillon granules to each package. Seal and label as flavoring mix.
- Combine navy beans and kidney beans; divide into 4 gift pkgs.. Seal and label as bean mix.
- Place 1/2 c. macaroni into 4 gift pkgs.. Seal and label as macaroni.
- Present 1 package flavoring mix, 1 package bean mix, and 1 package macaroni with recipe for Minestrone Soup. (Makes 4 gift pkgs.)
- MINESTRONE SOUP: Cover beans with water 2 inches above beans in a Dutch oven; soak 8 hrs. Drain. Add in 2 1/2 qts water, flavoring mix, carrot, and ham. Bring to a boil; reduce heat, and simmer, stirring occasionally, 2 hrs.
- Add in tomatoes and macaroni, and return to a boil; reduce heat to medium, and cook 20 min or possibly till macaroni is tender.
- This recipe yields 8 c. of soup for each of the 4 gift pkgs..