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Рецепт Merlot Mushroom Pork Chops
by Midnight Baker

Merlot Mushroom Pork ChopsThese pork chops with a delicate merlot cream sauce are easy, have few ingredients and are deliciously gourmet.

Pork chops are one of my favorite things to eat. Much like chicken, they are very versatile.

I had a bottle of nice white merlot handy so I decided I'd try it with these chops. The white variety--which is still red, but a lighter red--isn't absolutely necessary as you can use the regular darker red version and get a slightly deeper flavor in the sauce.

Few ingredients, great tasteIf you prefer not to use the wine, then a mix of a good and rich-tasting beef and chicken stock would be a very good substitute.

Wine/cream sauces are so simple, yet seem to raise any savory dish to a gourmet level. The sweetness of the cream seems to blend well with the tartness of the wine. This sauce is just gorgeous. You don't need much more than the garlic and earthy mushrooms to flavor it. If you want to get adventurous, then a pinch or two of your favorite herb would be nice. But just make sure that herb tastes good with pork! For me that'd be thyme.

Merlot Mushroom Pork Chops

Mix the flour, 1/2 tsp salt, garlic powder and 1/4 tsp of pepper to make seasoned flour. Place on a plate (makes dredging easier). Dredge pork chops in seasoned flour.

Heat a large (12-inch or bigger) skillet over medium-high heat. Add 2 tbs butter (it will brown, it's OK).

Brown pork chops on both sides--you may have to brown in shifts if you use a smaller skillet. Remove browned chops and set aside.

Add the remaining 1 tbs of butter and lightly saute the mushrooms and garlic.

Deglaze pan with the merlot, scraping up all the browned bits at the bottom of the pan.

Place pork chops back in the pan with the sauteed mushrooms and garlic.

Heat the merlot to boiling, cover and reduce heat to low. Cook for 20-25 minutes.

Remove chops and mushrooms to a serving platter; cover and keep warm while making sauce.

Turn heat under skillet up to medium-high. Stir in the 1/2 cup heavy cream. Simmer until sauce is reduced by 25% (about 5 minutes).

Pour sauce over chops and mushrooms on serving platter.

Serves 4.

Merlot Mushroom Pork Chops

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