Это предварительный просмотр рецепта "Mee Goreng".

Рецепт Mee Goreng
by Ang Sarap

I ate a lot of these back in Malaysia, I had it during breakfasts, lunch, dinner and even at tea time, it is everywhere from the streets to some seriously good restaurants. All of them have different variations from using instant noodles topped with fried eggs to using good quality ingredients with fresh seafood, even different families cook it uniquely but one thing remains the same, it is stir fried yellow noodles flavoured with soy sauce and chilli.

The recipe below is my version, how about you how do you make your mee goreng?

Mee Goreng

500 g Fresh Hokkien noodles / Yellow noodles 3 bunches Shanghai bok choy 100 g sliced fish cake 200 g chicken breast, sliced 2 tbsp chili sauce 2 tbsp oyster sauce 2 tbsp dark soy sauce 2 tbsp Chinese cooking wine ¾ cup chicken stock 1 tsp cayenne pepper 1 tsp sugar 6 cloves minced garlic fish sauce white pepper oil crispy fried shallots ketchup sliced cucumbers sliced tomatoes chopped coriander

Bring a large pot of water to a boil then cook noodles for 30 seconds only. Drain then rinse with cold running water then set it aside. Bring another pot of water to a boil then blanch the Shanghai bok choy for 30 seconds. Drain then rinse with cold running water then set it aside. In a small bowl combine together cayenne pepper, chili sauce, oyster sauce, dark soy sauce, Chinese cooking wine, chicken stock and sugar. Set it aside. In a wok add oil then sauté garlic. Add chicken and fish cake then stir fry until cooked and browned. Add the combined liquid sauce on step 3 bring it to a boil. While boiling add the noodles then stir fry and cook for around 5 minutes, add a bit of water if needed. Add the blanched vegetables then season with fish sauce and white pepper. Turn heat off then serve garnished with crispy fried shallots, chopped coriander, sliced cucumbers and sliced tomatoes. 3.2.2708

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