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Рецепт Mediterranean Halibut And Asparagus
by Iris Higgins


Mediterranean Halibut And Asparagus

I often find myself wanting to bestow words of weight loss and health wisdom to my readers when I am not feeling particularly wise myself. Only a few days into the New Year, I'm finding myself still craving the holiday sugar. Although all my cookies and pies are gone, I'm reminded of how addicted my body gets to sugar when it has it. Every day I wake up thinking, "No sweets today, no sweets today," but by the afternoon, the cravings start. I've always been aware that my body's reaction to sugar is really strong, but I'm noticing the same problem with a lot of my clients as well. The New Year is here, and we all want to start off on the right foot, but the sugar withdrawal keeps sucking us back in. "Cookies!" It calls. "Pies! Chocolate!" It makes me think of that scene in Mannequin where Hollywood is complaining about the doughnuts calling to him at night. "Hollywood! Oh Hollywood! Come and get me Hollywood!" It's comical, but for many of us, not so funny in reality.

So what do I do about this sugar addiction? Going gluten-free was easy for me because my emotional reaction to gluten was so severe and obvious. Going sugar free? Not so easy. Not such a clear line for me. But one I'm seriously contemplating as I sit here eating a gluten-free cookie and wondering where my willpower went. I think the sugar ate it.

I'll be doing the Whole Life Nutrition elimination diet in the next month or so (I'm going on vacation next week so I'll start soon after I get back), and I'm hoping to get some clarity on my feelings about sugar. If nothing else, the detox from sugar should help eliminate my cravings. But right now I'm feeling rather addicted, and frustrated that I keep eating something that makes my body feel so uncomfortable. Were I the kind of person that could eat a small piece and then be done for the day, I would gladly eat a cookie every day, but the more I eat sugar, well...the more I eat. Period.

Until I start the elimination diet, I'll be doing my best to cut out sugar. As a client reminded me, you just take it one day at a time and eat as healthy as you can. I had two cookies today, and they didn't make me feel very good. But I stopped at two (I'd better go brush my teeth so that that statement remains the truth!) rather than three or four. And I made a very healthy late lunch of sauteed halibut and asparagus. My mom made a simple salad dressing of hummus, olive oil, and lemon juice when I was home, so I decided to use that as the base for this recipe. It turned out delicious and light. And made me feel much better than the cookies. I should remember that the next time those cookies start calling to me.

Mediterranean Halibut and Asparagus



Whisk together the hummus, lemon juice, olive oil, yogurt, black pepper, and paprika. Stir in the olives and sundried tomatoes.

Spray a large saute pan with oil and heat on medium-low. Place fish and asparagus in the pan. Pour sauce over. Put top on and saute 6-8 minutes.

Turn the fish and asparagus over and saute another 6-8 minutes with top on (the time will depend on how thick your halibut steaks are).

Prepare four plates with a bed of salad greens. Top with asparagus and halibut. Spoon the drippings over the salad greens for dressing.

Serves 4

I'm leaving for L.A. and San Diego on Tuesday to visit my sisters, so I'll be coming to you next from sunny California! I have some gluten-free friendly restaurants picked out, and I'm hoping I can cajole my little sis into making me sushi. If you know of any great gluten-free restaurants in L.A. or San Diego, I'd love to hear of them!

This post is linked to Fight Back Friday at Food Renegade and Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum.