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Рецепт Mediterranean Chicken Salad; blog update (?)
by Katie Zeller

Olives and capers add so much flavor to an easy salad.

Actually, they add tons of flavor to almost anything and are one of my pantry staples.

The chicken is marinated for however long it takes you to get the rest of the salad organized.

Then put chicken on the grill, pour a glass of wine and relax until it’s done.

Mediterranean Chicken Salad

Total time: 35 minutes




Make marinade, spoon over chicken and set aside.

Put onion and pepper into a bowl, add oil and toss well. Cook pepper and onion in grill pan (or any old metal pie or cake tin) on barbecue grill for about 10 minutes until they are crisp-tender. Stir once or twice.

When vegetables are done start to cook chicken, 12 – 15 minutes, turning once.

Remove and slice.


Mix ketchup, vinegar, paprika, and mustard.

Slowly add olive oil, whisking constantly.


Prepare greens and put in large salad bowl.

Add a bit (2 tbs) of dressing to lettuce and toss well to coat.

Add peppers, onions, a bit more dressing and toss well.

Add chicken, olives, capers, cheese and toss to combine.

Taste, and add more dressing as needed.

Serve, remaining dressing on the side.

It’s been one of those days.

I updated my blog theme the other day…. One of those things one does from time to time, when the directives come from the Powers That Be.

But this time, when the update finished, I was informed that it had been replaced by something newer and more wonderful.


But then I was informed that the older version I was using was soon to be obsolete and no longer supported and wouldn’t I like to change.


I can do that.

Today was a rainy day, the first one in weeks so I decided that would be my project. Especially since my walking partner had cancelled our walk tomorrow. That gave me 2 whole days to get it done if (as as typical) things went awry.

I carefully read the one page conversion instructions and followed it all, step-by-step…. Something I rarely do. I usually just jump in and do it.

The conversion went smoothly, but, as I had been warned in the instructions, there was a list of things I needed to fix manually. And then I needed to tweak all the settings, etc. to get it the way I wanted.

Well…… I couldn’t be bothered to read those instructions, too. I mean, one can only be so prudent.

After spending the rest of the day changing this and fixing that I looked at my blog and the type was so small I needed a magnifying glass and the colors were something out of a horror movie and, well, let’s just say it needed more work.

Then my neighbor called and said she could walk after all and there was a new market we should check out as well.

That’s tomorrow done.

So, I cobbled together enough fixes that it’s readable (I think) and the rest will have to wait until Saturday, when I have another free day to screw things up again fix it all properly.

I think I’ll read the instructions this time…. When I glanced through them I saw some really cool stuff that should take me years to get right.

Can’t wait!

Meanwhile, your patience is appreciated.

Last update on June 10, 2015

Mediterranean Chicken Salad; blog update (?) was last modified: June 10th, 2015 by Katie Zeller
