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Рецепт Meat Special Bubble Up Pizza (9 #SmartPoints) #weightwatchers
by Nicole Sherman

I originally found this recipe on Drizzle Me Skinny. Her site is wonderful and full of recipes that are delicious! She really puts a lot of effort into coming up with ideas that you can have on Weight Watchers without feeling left out or bad about yourself. Honestly you feel like you are getting away with something but eating what she makes. She is amazing. Please check out her site for more really great recipes. We all really enjoyed this recipe. Although you think you are getting a lot by getting 1/6 once I took it out of the pan it didn’t seem like a lot to me. I paired it with green beans but I think I will also add a salad to it in the future to push it over the top! You can add any toppings but just keep in mind you will have to adjust the points or calories in the recipe. I put everything into MyFitnessPal then I convert it to Weight Watchers but you can do whatever is right for you. Have fun with this recipe it’s really delish! Ingredients: 24 Turkey Pepperoni Slices 1 cup pizza or spaghetti sauce 4 slices Canadian Bacon 6 ounces cooked ground beef 90/10 or better 1 container (10 biscuits ea.), Buttermilk Biscuits 1.50 cup, Mozzarella 2 Tbsp, Bacon Crumbles 5 Olives, olives stuffed with pimento 6 Olives, Black Olives-large Directions: Preheat oven to 350F The biscuits you are using are very small biscuits that normally come in 4 packs. Great Value and Pillsbury offer this size. You will need to cut your 10 biscuits into 4 pieces each. You should end up with 40. Spray a 9×13 pan with cooking spray then spread out the biscuits in the pan. Mix your pasta/pizza sauce and ground beef together and set aside. Bake the biscuits for 5 minutes so that they will not be raw in the middle or soggy. Pour your ground beef mixture over the dough pieces making sure that all the dough is covered. Cut pepperoni and Canadian bacon into quarters then layer pieces on top. Sprinkle onions, bacon crumbles, and olives over pizza. Bake in oven for 25 minutes. Remove the pan from the oven and sprinkle the cheese on top. Return the pizza back to the oven for another 10 minutes. Cut into 6 equal servings. Each serving is 9 smart points  Original Recipe Source