Рецепт Maya Corn And Bean Tamales

- Just saw this recipe in today's _L.A. Times_. I've been looking for somethinglike this. It explains which in pre-Columbian times, the Mayans didn't use lard in their tamales. I didn't change anything in this recipe and haven'ttried it yet, but it looked like it should be shared!
- The recipe apparently comes from "Americas First Cuisines" (University of
- In pot cook beans in water several hrs till they begin to fall apart.
- Re-sults should be about 4 c. of beans and liquid.
- If using masa flour, let beans cold, then mix well with masa flour and salt. Ifusing corn meal, poiur boiling beans on cornmeal and stir furiously, then addsalt.
- Form corn-bean dough into balls about 2 inches in diameter, wrap in corn husksor foil and steam 1 hour.
- Makes about 20 2 inch tamales.