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Рецепт Maxwell’s Birth Story
by Two Peas and Their Pod

Maxwell’s Birth Story

I shared Caleb’s birth story on our blog and I am so glad I did because I enjoy looking back at the day he was born. Today it is Maxwell’s turn! It is crazy that little Maxwell was born over a week ago. The days have been foggy, but it seems like he has been with us forever. He fits right in and I am so happy to have him home with us!

Ok, onto the story! My due date was August 4th. Of course, we all know due dates don’t really mean anything. Caleb was four days late so I knew that I could go late the second time around, but I was hoping I would have an early or at least an on time delivery. Well, August 4th passed us by and I was still very pregnant.

On Tuesday, August 5th we had a morning appointment with our midwife to make sure everything was still going well. I was in a lot of pain because the baby was so low. There was an extreme amount of pressure “down there.” They were a little concerned that my belly wasn’t measuring any bigger. It was at a 36, where it had been for the past few weeks. So we had to get an ultrasound to make sure the baby was growing and there was enough fluid. Luckily, everything was perfect!

They checked me and I was dilated to a two, so we went home and started the waiting game again. They told me if I didn’t have the baby by Sunday, I would be induced.

Well, around 4 p.m. I started having consistent contractions. Josh started timing them on his phone and they were happening every 3-5 minutes. I knew it was baby time! So we made some calls to make sure Caleb was taken care of, I ate a PB & J, took a shower, and finished packing my bag! We were ready to go to the hospital.

We arrived at the hospital at about 8:00 p.m. We checked in and when we got to our room we looked out the window and saw a beautiful rainbow! That put me at ease!

Our nurse came in and checked me out. I was dilated to a four and they asked me if I wanted an epidural. I for sure wanted one, no doubt about that. I just wasn’t sure if I was ready for it. When I had Caleb, I was at almost a seven before I had the epidural…because that is when we got to the hospital. I thought I had to wait a little longer, but they told me it was more than ok to go ahead and get it. There was no reason to be in pain. I agreed and told them I was ready to be drugged!

The epidural went smoothly. It really helped me relax. I read my book and we visited with our nurse and midwife. We were all hanging out waiting for our baby to arrive.

We told our midwife we really wanted to have the baby on August 5th, so if she could make that happen, we would be very happy. She looked at the clock and said no worries, we’ve got this! That made me happy and excited! I couldn’t believe I would be holding my baby before midnight!

We wanted to have the baby on Tuesday, August 5th because about a week before we had the baby we all started making predictions on when he would arrive. Caleb kept saying the baby was coming on Tuesday. When we would suggest another day, he would say NO, he is coming on TUESDAY! Well, I guess our Caleb knew something we didn’t know because he was right. Our baby came at 11:20 p.m. on Tuesday.

My midwife broke my water which sped things along. When it was time to push I only had to push for ten minutes. I was alert and felt good about everything. When I heard our baby cry I was relieved and beyond happy. The umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck three times, but thank goodness it was very loose. Our baby was just fine! Josh cut the cord and they handed our baby to me. I placed him on my skin and took a good look at our baby. He had hair, but not nearly as much as Caleb. It was also much lighter. He was absolutely perfect!

They cleaned up our baby and weighed him. He was 6 pounds 13 ounces and 19.5 inches long, the EXACT same measurements as Caleb. Crazy!!

They brought the baby back to me and Josh and I decided it was time to officially name him. We chose Maxwell Forrest Lichty. We both liked the name Maxwell and Forrest is a family name….after my grandpa, dad, and brother.

I nursed Maxwell for the first time and he was a pro from the beginning. He latched right on and didn’t want to stop eating. That was a relief.

We waited in the recovery room for about an hour and then were moved up to our room. We were relaxing by 1 a.m. I couldn’t believe how quickly everything happened. Labor and delivery was much easier than I was anticipating. Josh made sure he put a Ute beanie on Maxwell, much better than the hospital hats:)

We stayed at the hospital for two nights. We didn’t get much rest because they come in and check on you every five minutes, but it was nice to have some time to recover. I was really swollen and needed some time to heal. The food was not very tasty, but I survived. On our last night, Josh surprised me with some ice cream. It tasted SO good:)

Caleb came and visited us at the hospital and it was the highlight of our stay. We missed him! Caleb was so excited to meet his baby brother. He gave him kisses, held him, and told him about his day. It melted my heart to see my two boys together.

We are taking one day at a time and trying to enjoy all of the baby snuggles we can! We are thrilled Maxwell is part of our pea pod! He makes our family complete!

Make sure you follow us on Instagram for more baby Maxwell photos! I am trying to not to post TOO many photos, but I can’t help myself. Maxwell is too cute:)