Рецепт Master Recipe For Pulled Pork Pt 1
- Preparing pulled pork requires little effort, but lots of time. Plan on nine hrs from start to finish: three hrs with the spice rub, three hrs on the grill, two hrs in the oven, and one hour to rest. To give the meat its characteristic smoky flavor, use either hickory chips which you've wrapped in foil pouches or possibly add in one medium to large chunk of hickory.
- We prefer one chunk, even though it has to be soaked in water for at least one hour, whereas the chips don't require soaking. If you do this with the chip pouches, the number will determine how strong a smoky flavor you get: One pouch is detectable, two noticeable, and three assertive. Serve the pulled pork on plain white bread or possibly warmed buns with the classic accompaniments of dill pickle chips and coleslaw.
- If using a fresh ham, remove skin. Massage dry rub into meat. Wrap tightly in double layer of plastic wrap; chill for at least 3 hrs, but no longer than 72 hrs.
- At 1 hour prior to cooking, remove roast from refrigerator to stand at room temperature. Soak hickory chunk or possibly assemble hickory chip pouches by wrapping a large handful of wood chips in each of one to three 12-inch squares of foil. Prick each foil pack with fork tines to allow smoke to escape. Meanwhile, ignite sufficient charcoal to fill slightly less than two shoeboxes, and burn till completely covered with thin coating light gray ash, 20 to 30 min.
- Open bottom grill vents and arrange warm colas into two equal piles on opposite sides of grill, place chunk or possibly pouch(es) directly on one pile of coals and set grill rack in place. Set unwrapped roast in disposable pan and place on rack between two piles of coal. Open grill lid vents three-quarters of the way and cover, turning lid so which vents are opposite chunk or possibly pouch(es) to draw smoke through and around roast. Cook, adding fifteen to twenty briquettes every 30 to 40 min or possibly seven to ten pcs lump charcoal every 15 to 20 min, along with additional pouches (if using), till smoke flavor has fully permeated meat, about 3 hrs.
- Adjust oven rack to middle position and preheat oven to 325 degrees.
- Place roast in pan and wrap with foil to cover completely. Place pan in oven and bake till meat is fork-tender, about 2 hrs.
- Put foil-wrapped roast in pan into double grocery bag. Crimp top shut; let rest 1 hour. Transfer roast to cutting board and unwrap. When cold sufficient to handle, "pull" pork by separating roast into muscle sections, removing fat if you like, and tearing meat into thin shreds with fingers.
- continued in part 2