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Рецепт Mashed Cucumber Salad & CNY 2016 Special AngPow S$500 Giveaway 2015 新年特备~~大抽奖红包奖金500新元
by Anncoo

This Mashed Cucumber Salad is a light and refreshing appetizer with simple ingredients. It is a popular homemade cold dish 凉菜 in China during the Summer and it is serve before the main course in some Chinese restaurants. I think it is very suitable to serve this crisp cucumber salad in our hot weather and more so during our Chinese New Year where we have so many heavy and rich food on our table.

Mashed Cucumber Salad



Rinse cucumbers and pat dry with kitchen towel. Cut off the tips on each side and gently smash the cucumber with cleaver until the cucumber splits. Remove the seeds and cut cucumber into bite size pieces.

Place cut cucumbers into a large bowl with 1 tsp of salt for 15 minus. Drain cucumber juice.

In another bowl, Mix the dressing together and stir until sugar dissolved and pour on to the cucumbers and toss well. You may adjust the dressing according to your taste. Serve immediately or marinate the cucumber salad in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes.

3根 日本黄瓜+1茶匙盐

2茶匙 白醋

2茶匙 白糖

1/2茶匙 盐

1.5茶匙 酱请

2茶匙 麻油

2条 红辣椒,切细

1汤匙 蒜,剁碎

1汤匙 芫荽,切细



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