Рецепт Masala Chitrannam
Happy Birthday Valli!!! Hope you have a wonderful year ahead!!
One of the most wonderful and an expeditious person I have ever known. Yeah I highlight the word expeditious because she is the epitome of it. One can be wonderful, beautiful, a very good person or all together (which she is too) but being well organized in everything you handle is exceptional and she is the only person (I know of) who qualifies for such a quality. I know it is a truism but that's the first thing that comes to mind when we think about you! Its almost three years since I virtually know you and am eagerly waiting for the day when we can meet. Hopefully sometime soon!
Valli, you are the sole reason that I have got so many such good friends. For an introvert like me socializing is very difficult. I open up to people with whom I am very close. But this blogging group eased me into the world of networking. Made me to be a little self disciplined and regular. Off late I have not been able to concentrate on my blogs and now again you are the reason that I am doing a post after a long time! Thanks a lot. :) This is a small gesture of showing my affection towards you. Hope you had a wonderful day Valli.
The dish I chose from her blog is masala chitranna. A rice variety that is very close to Puliyodharai. A simple and a flavour packed dish that can be made at ease.
Masala Chitranna
Recipe source : Cooking for all seasons
A variety rice with freshly ground spice and tamarind extract.
Prep Time: 10 Mins | Cook Time: 15 Mins | Total Time: 25 Mins | Serves: 2
- 1 Cup Raw Rice
- Handful Peanuts
- Few Cashew nuts
- Jaggery a small piece
- 3 tsp Tamarind paste mixed in 1/2 Cup water
- Salt to taste
- 1/2 tsp Turmeric powder
- 1 Tbsp Oil
- 1/2 tsp Urad Dal
- Few curry leaves
- 2 Red Chillies
- Few coriander leaves
- 1 tsp Grated Coconut
- 1 tsp oil
- 2 tsp Channa dal
- 2 tsp Urad Dal
- 1 tsp Coriander seeds
- 1/4 tsp Fenugreek seeds
- 1/2 tsp Cumin seeds
- 3 tsp Black sesame seeds
5 to 6 no's Red Chillies
Cook rice and allow it to cool. While it is cooling, drizzle some sesame oil and keep it.
Heat a pan, dry roast the sesame seeds and keep aside. In the same pan add a tsp of oil. Add the channa dal, coriander seeds, red chillies,cumin seeds, and fenugreek seeds. roast it until it releases aroma. Keep aside.
Once cool, powder it and keep aside.
In the same pan add 2 Tbsp Oil. Once hot, add the mustard seeds and let it splutter. Then add the curry leaves, urad dal and red chillies.
Then add the tamarind extract and allow it to boil.
Once it starts boiling and the raw smell of the tamarind leaves, add the jaggery and the freshly ground powder.
Once everything thickens, turn off the flame.
Finally add the coriander leaves and grated coconut.
After it cools, mix the paste with rice.
The original recipe calls for black sesame seeds. But I added white since I didn't have black sesame at hand. I don't think there is a huge difference in the taste. So you can substitute.
I don't get whole tamarind here. So I used tamarind paste. If you are using tamarind then add marble sized (as per the original recipe).
Take some mix and keep aside. Keep mixing with rice as needed. If there is some remaining store it an air tight container. You can use it later or can have this as a side for curd rice.