Рецепт Marinated Beef Bourguignonne

- Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Remove meat, carrot and onion from marinade. Strain liquid and set aside. Sear meat and vegetables in two batches following this procedure. Heat 1/2 of oil in large ovenproof casserole. Add in meat and sear 8 min over medium high heat. Turn to brown all sides and season well. When all meat is seared, add in garlic, shallots and parsley to casserole; cook 2 min. Add in flour and mix very well. Cook 2 to 3 min over high heat. Place strained marinade in separate pan and add in wine; cook 5 to 6 min over medium heat. Pour marinade into casserole containing beef and fold in tomato paste; bring to a boil. Cover casserole and cook 1 1/2 hrs in oven. About 20 min before beef is cooked, prepare mushrooms. Heat butter in frying pan. Add in mushrooms and onions; cook 3 to 4 min. Season well. Place mushrooms in casserole and resume cooking process.