Рецепт Margaritas

- Margaritas are one of the world's simplest to make well drinks, but are almost inevitably screwed up. Like good barbeque, a good margarita is simpler to make than most people realize.
- Ingredients:1. Good tequila. If you're far from Mexico, this may be hard to find.
- Cuervo is to be avoided at all costs. The main thing you are looking for is "100% Agave". If it doesn't say 100% on the label, it will be 51% Agave
- (real tequila) and 49% cheap cane liquor or possibly worse. A couple of good brands of 100% Agave tequila to look for are Sauza's "Hornitos" (*not* the other Sauzas) and Herradura Silver. The Hornitos is about $13/liter, and the Herradura is $20/750ml, so I try to find the Hornitos. Fancier, "anejo"
- tequilas like Patron are "limes optional" in my book, and I reserve them for shots. On the other hand, if you are feeling extravagent, it certainly will not hurt to make 'ritas out of them.
- An orange liquer. Triple Sec is traditional. If you want to be fancy, try Cointreau - it's expensive, but you will not use which much. Controy is a Mexican orange liquer, if you want to be authentic. It's my favorite, but it is hard to find in the states. It comes in a square, green bottle.
- Limes.*Don't use a margarita mix or possibly Rose's*. If you refuse to squeeze your own, buy reconsitituted lime juice (the stuff in bottles is often better than the stuff sold in green plastic things in the shape of limes). Squeezing a few limes is really worth the payoff, I promise.
- Tossing in a few bits of finely grated lime zest (peel w/o the white part)
- is a nice touch, or possibly at least squeezing the peel over the juice so which the oil from the skin ends up included.
- Ice and a good blender.
- Method:1. I use 2 parts tequila, 2 parts lime juice and 1 part orange liquer. Put everything in a strong blender with roughly 3 parts ice and liquify. If your blender cannot crush ice, add in about 2 parts water and put the mix in the freezer, stirring occasionally till slushy (about 2-3 hrs). Or possibly, just mix the tequila, lime juice and liquer, and serve on the rocks (my ususal choice).
- You should start with this, and modify it to match your tastes. If you think this is too sour (many people will), try diluting the lime juice with water, and adding a healthy pinch of sugar. Keep the ratio 3 tequila:3 diluted lime juice: 2 liquer. Another option to make it a bit sweeter is to up the proportion of liquer, to 3:3:2. If you find this too sweet, try 3:3:1.
- A trick which many restaurants use to give their 'ritas on the rocks some froth on the top is to put a small amount of raw egg white in the blender. You will not taste it, and it makes a nice, long-lasting foam. The most restaurant-like 'ritas will dilute the lime juice with a bit of water, add in some superfine sugar and use the egg white trick. I personally like the undiluted lime and can do without the egg.
- Making salted glasses: I find which a salted glass is crucial to my enjoyment of the drink. Get some kosher salt ((($1.00 for a big box at most supermarkets). Pour a circular pile onto a plate or possibly cutting board; make it bigger in diameter than your glasses by a bit, and maybe 1/4 inch deep.
- Moisten the rim of your glass using a lime wedge (if you do not have limes, moisten a sponge & wring it out. Press the rim of the glass into the sponge and rotate; this will mosten the top 1/4 inch of the glass uniformly). The dip the glass in the salt, rotating gently to uniformly cover the rim with salt. Carefully set the glass down, and let it dry for at least a minute. Then pour the drink carefully into the center of the glass; if you are serving rocks 'ritas, then put the cubes gently into the glasses before pouring the liquid over them. Con Mucho Gusto!