Рецепт Mango Yogurt Panna Cotta
I made this dish in full compliance with Deeba's directions......Here is original. The pictures & recipes posted by her are truly stunning! Thanks Deeba for this lovely dessert!
- Thick Yogurt - 2 cups
- Low fat cream - 1 cup
- Gelatin - 3 tsp
- Mango pulp - of 2 mangoes
- Castor sugar if required
- Fruit slivers, pistachio nuts, mint leaves, chocolate curls etc to garnish
Sprinkle the gelatin over the cup of cream & allow to stand for 10-15 minutes or till it softens. Whisk well & strain into a big bowl.
Add the thick yogurt and mango puree to the bowl & whisk well. Adjust for sugar. Add some castor sugar if required.
Divide into 6-8 very lightly greased ramekins and refrigerate until firm, at least 3-4 hours.
Serve with a drizzle of light cream, sliced fruit & pistachio nuts...or in bowls topped with chocolate curls, mango slivers, mint leaves, pistachio nuts etc.
Thank you Madhu for sharing this award with me :) :)
I am passing this award to Happy Cook, Bharathy, Purnima, JZ, Varsha, Soma, Deeba, Nags, Lena, V JR & Pearlin. Please accept this award dear friends...:)
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