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Mango Tango Salsa - Recipe Cost

Cost information for the following is not included. Normally this is because the quantity or ingredient is unknown
5 x Shakes Melinda's Warm Sauce or possibly other warm sauce
Ingredients Per Serving Qty Common Price Price per Serving
1 x Ripe mango (or possibly papaya), cut in 1/2" cubes 1/6 mango
$1.99 per pound
1 1/2 c. Pineapple, coarsely minced 1/4 cup
$4.49 per item
1/4 c. Red onion, sliced paper-thin 2 teaspoons
$0.99 per pound
1 x Lime, juice only 1/6 lime
$0.20 per item
2 x Jalapenos, * see note 1/3 jalapenos
$1.99 per pound
8 x Basil leaves, shredded 1 1/3 basil
$2.59 per cup
Total per Serving $0.50
Total Recipe $3.02
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