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Рецепт Living Apple Pancakes
by Rawfully Tempting

I saw these on The Chew as a cooked recipe a few weeks ago and decided to make a raw version. They came out fabulous and could be served as either a breakfast or dessert (topped with raw ice cream). YUMMMMERS!

Granny Smith Apple Pancakes


2 Granny Smith apple cored and very thinly sliced

Ingredients for Pancake Batter:



1. Blend cashews and water until creamy. Add remaining ingredients, except for apples and cinnamon.

2. Mixture should be pour-able and thick like pancake batter.

3. Dip sliced apples into batter, covering both sides and spread on a non stick dehydrator tray. Sprinkle with ground cinnamon.

4. Dehydrate at 110 degrees F for 3-4 hours, Flip slices over and sprinkle with cinnamon.

5. Dehydrate another 6 to 8 hours until dry on outside, but moist on inside.

6. Serve with a drizzle of maple syrup.