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Рецепт Leftovers..still, One Week Later?
by Amber Massey

Thanksgiving has come and gone, yes, but usually what remains are the delicious leftovers. The only problem is that some of those left overs aren't as appealing to the tastebuds after the Thanksgiving holiday is over. What in the world to do with all that Turkey-I know my family gathering of about 6 people (not counting me, I left that turkey off my plate.) didn't finish off that 14 pounder my mom insisted on getting. What about all that stuffing? That too is still sitting the the fridge, and is headed the the trash soon enough (I hope!) What that being said- why not use those holiday leftpvers, creatnig a new- makye more exciting-meal? Throw that turkey on a pizza, topped with spinach, mozzarella and tomato. What about making potato pancakes with the left over sweet potato casserole (minus the marshmallows!) One this that is always leftover at my house is the cornbread. My mom always makes stuffing with it, and always has way too much left over. Welcome this savory bread pudding inspired by my husband's aunt and her love for Mexican fare. She intorduced me to this recipe using vegetables, fresh herbs (or dried if thats what you have on hand) and homemade chicken tamales from my local market. Got them on sale :) After tweaking it a bit for a more waitline friendly dish-I successfully used up the remaining cornbread in my fridge. Tell me..how do you use your Thanksgiving leftovers? Post a comment and let me know- I'll share on Chocolate Broccoli for all to see, too!

Tamale Jalapeno CornBread Pudding



Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Heat oil in a non-stick skillet over medium high heat. Add poblano and jalapeno peppers, onion, and bell pepper. Saute until softened. Transfer vegtables to large mixing bowl. Crumble in corn bread and stir to combine. Mix in cilantro, sage, oregano, 3/4 cup crushed corn chips, corn, cream style corn, and heated chicken broth. Add tamales, careful not to break during stirring. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Pour mixure into 9x13 pan sprayed with non-stick spray. Crumble remaining 1/4 corn chips over top. Cover with foil and bake for 45 minutes. Remove cover and continue to bake, 15 minutes.

**Can be made the day before, just allow to rest out of the fridge for about 30 minutes.

Nutrition Information:

Serves: about 12; 1 cup each

Calories: 398

Fat: 11.4 g

Carbohydrate: 59 g

Fiber: 4.5 g

Protein: 15.2 g