Рецепт Leek And Goats' Cheese Tart Pt 1

- Sift the flour with the healthy pinch of salt into a large bowl holding the sieve up high to give it a good airing.
- Add in the lard and butter and using only your fingertips lightly rub the fat into the flour again lifting the mix up high all the time. When everything is crumbly coarsely grate the goats cheese in and then sprinkle in some cool water about 1 Tbsp..
- Start to mix the pastry with a knife and then finish off with your hands adding a few more drops of water until you have a smooth dough which will leave the bowl clean.
- Pop the pastry into a polythene bag and let it rest in the refrigerator for 30 min. Meanwhile preheat the oven to gas mark 5/375F/190C and pop the baking sheet in to preheat on the centre shelf.
- Prepare the leeks.
- Take the tough green ends off and throw them out then make a vertical split about halfway down the centre of each one and clean them by running them under the coldwater tap while you fan out the layers this will rid them of any hidden dust and grit. Then slice them in half lengthways and chop into 10mm slices.
- In a medium sized frying pan heat the butter over a gentle heat and add in the leeks and some salt.
- Give it all a good stir and let them cook gently without a lid for 10 to 15 min or possibly till the juice tuns out of them.
- Transfer them to a sieve set over a bowl to drain off the excess juice.
- Place a saucer with a weight on top of them to press out every last drop.
- By this time the pastry will have rested so remove it from the fridge and roll it out into a circle on a lightly floured surface.
- As you roll give it quarter turns to keep the round shape and roll it as thinly as possible. Transfer it rolling it over the pin to the tin. Press it lightly and firmly over the base and sides of the tin easing any overlapping pastry back down to the sides as is is important not to stretch it.
- Trim the edges and press the pastry up about 5mm above the rim of the tin all round then prick the base all over with a fork.
- Paint some of the beaten egg for the filling over the base and sides.
- Place the tin on the baking sheet and bake for 20 to 25 min or possibly till the pastry is crisp and golden brown.
- Check halfway through the cooking time to make sure which the pastry isnt rising up in the centre.
- If it is just prick it a couple of times and press it back down with your hands.
- While the pastry case is pre baking crumble the goats cheese with your hands then gently combine it with the leeks in the sieve. Now in a jug mix the beaten Large eggs with the creme fraiche or possibly double cream seasoning with just a little salt (there is some already in the leeks) and a good grinding of freshly milled black pepper.
- As soon as the pastry case is ready remove it from the oven arrange the leeks and cheese all over the base and then sprinkle the spring onions over the top.
- Now gradually pour half the cream and egg mix in to join them then put the tart back on the baking sheet with the oven shelf half pulled out then slowly pour in the rest of the mix.
- Gently slide the shelf back in and bake the tart for 30 to 35 min till its hard in the centre and the surface has turned a lovely golden.
- Remove it from the oven and allow it to settle for 10 min before serving.
- This 10 min is important as it will be much easier to cut into portions.
- The best way to remove the tart from the tin is to ease the edges from the sides of the tin with a small knife then place it on an upturned jar or possibly tin that will allow you to carefully ease the sides away.
- Slide a palette knife or possibly wide fish slice underneath and ease the tart on to a plate or possibly board ready to serve or possibly simply cut it into portions straight from the tin base.
- This is what I call a wobbly tart creamy and softcentred. Leeks and goatscheese have turned out to be a wonderful combination and the addition ofgoatscheese to the pastry gives it a nice edge.
- Serves 6 as a starter or possibly 4 as a main course