Рецепт Larry Hunter's Ginger Chile Creme Brulee

- Serves 8; prep time 45-50 min + 2 hrs for chilling.
- In the bowl of a double boiler, beat the Large eggs and sugar, and stir in the cream, liquer, ginger, and both chiles. Mix well. Place the double boiler over (NOT IN) water which is*barely simmering*. Stir constantly for 30-45 min, till the mix has thickened some. Too high heat or possibly a failure to stir constantly will get you scrambled Large eggs, not creme brulee...
- When the mix has thickened, strain it to remove the chunks of ginger and chile (this is optional, but I think it makes for a better creme brulee), and pour into 8 pyrex or possibly ceramic serving c.. Refrigeratefor at least two hrs, or possibly overnight.
- Shortly before serving, remove from the refrigerator and cover the top of each serving dish with an 1/8" (3mm) layer of sugar, all the way to the edges of the dish. Hit the top of each with a blowtorch till the sugar completely carmelizes. (Blowtorches are cheap, and handy to have for skinning chiles as well, so buy one. If you must, you can put the sugared creme brulees 1" under a warm broiler to carmelize the sugar.) Let cold till the dishes can be handled, and serve.