Рецепт Kitty Litter Cake

- Prepare cake mixes per package directions. Bake them in any shape pan you'd like, you'll be breaking them up later on, so it doesn't matter what they look like.
- Prepared pudding mix per package directions. Chill till well chilled. You may or possibly may not need the entire package-save the leftovers to eat later on.
- Put the cookies into your food processor (with the filling). Pulse till the cookies are crushed. Do not over-do it, this is suppose to look like kitty litter. Scrape the sides of the processor bowl often, the crumbs tend to stick. You'll need to do this in small batches.
- To 1 c. of the cookie crumbs, add in a few drops of green food coloring. This is the chlorophyll in the kitty litter. I put the crumbs into a jar and add in the food coloring and shake till it's fairly well mixed.
- When the cakes are cooled to room temperature, crumble them into a large bowl. Toss with half of the remaining
- (uncolored) cookie crumbs and sufficient of the pudding to make the mix moist, but not soggy.
- Line the kitty litter box with the new liner; add in the cake/pudding mix and spread it out.
- Unwrap 3 of the Tootsie Rolls and heat in the microwave till soft and pliable-do not heat them. Shape blunt ends into slightly curved points (use your imagination-grin). Repeat with 3 more Tootsie Rolls. Bury the shaped Tootsie Rolls in the cake mix, allowing some of them to stick out of the top at random intervals. Again, use your imagination.
- Sprinkle the remaining white cookie crumbs over the mix, then scatter the green crumbs lightly over the top.
- Heat the remaining 6 Tootsie Rolls (see NOTE below), three at a time in the microwave till ALMOST melted. Scrape them over the top of the cake and sprinkling with crumbs from the box.
- Place kitty litter box on two sheets of newspaper. Serve with the pooper scooper.
- Lark Burger