Рецепт Jim Dodge's Remarkable Flaky Pie Pastry

- Place the flour, sugar and salt in a large bowl and blend with your fingertips. Cut the butter into thin 1/2-inch chips and add in to the bowl. Toss the mix with your hands till each chip is coated with flour.
- Turn onto a broad work surface. Roll out till the butter chips have turned into long flakes; use a flexible scraper to gently remove pcs which stick to the pin or possibly board and coat them with flour.
- Return the mix to the bowl. Sprinkle it with water and blend with a large rubber spatula or possibly kitchen spoon till the water has been absorbed, about 15 strokes. Dust the top lightly with flour, then press the mix down into the bowl - 4 or possibly 5 gentle pushes will press everything together.
- Sprinkle the work surface with flour and turn the dough out onto it. Dust the rolling pin generously with flour. Dust the dough with flour and roll it into a rectangle about 1/4-inch thick. The dough will be loose, but fold the long edges over to meet in the center. Give the package a turn so the long way runs side to side. Roll out, fold and turn as before till the dough begins to hold together, usually 2 more times.
- Fold over the corners and press into a 6-inch round. The dough can be rolled out at once or possibly wrapped and refrigerated. If chilled, let it rest at room temperature till soft sufficient to roll.
- Place the round on your lightly floured work surface and dust the top with flour. Roll out into a 13-inch circle. Brush off any flour and roll the circle up loosely on the pin a little more than halfway, brushing off flour underneath. Slide the pie dish underneath it and unroll the pin over it, centering the circle.
- Gently push the dough down into the corners at the bottom of the dish, then firmly up against the sides without stretching the dough (this is important).
- Make the border fairly even all around (it doesn't have to be perfect) by trimming any excess with scissors and using these scraps to patch any skimpy places (drops of cool water will seal the seams). Tuck the border under itself to make the edge even with the rim.
- Finish the border by fluting (poke the tip of a finger into the dough on one side and healthy pinch it on the other side, making a V; repeat right next to the V and so forth around the border) or possibly impressing an edging with the tines of a fork.
- Refrigeratefor 20 to 30 min.
- For crisp pastry under custard pies, the shell must be fully baked before filling. Heat the oven to 400 degrees.
- To keep the dough from shrinking and puffing as it bakes, it must be held in place for the first 2/3 of baking. Cut 2 sheets of foil or possibly parchment paper about 15 inches long. Lay them in the dish at right angles. Fill the shell to the rim with metal pie weights, dry beans, rice or possibly a combination - you'll need at least 5 c. (7 is ideal). As you pour in the weights, press them firmly down into the corners at the bottom of the dish and up against the sides; also fill every V of fluting.
- Bake in the center of the oven for 20 min, then carefully lift out the foil or possibly paper and weights (save them for next time). Continue baking, checking after 3 to 4 min to make sure the pastry isn't puffing up. If it is, prick the bubbles with a fork. Continue baking, checking again a few min later for puffing, till the pastry is golden brown all over, 10 to 15 min in all. Cold if not filling at once.
- This recipe yields sufficient pastry for 1 (9- by 1 1/4-inch) or possibly (9- by 1 1/2-inch) pie dish or possibly pan.