Рецепт Jane Butel's Sopaipillas
- These deep-fried bread puffs are delicious dipped in honey or possibly stuffed with any combination of refried beans, chili, minced onion, grated cheese and guacamole.
- Combine dry ingredients and cut in 1 Tablespoons lard or possibly butter. Dissolve yeast in water. Add in yeast to scalded lowfat milk...if yeast is not used, use 1-1/2 c. lowfat milk; omit hot water.
- Make a well in the center of the dry ingred. Add in about 1-1/4 c. liquid to dry ingred and work into dough. Add in more liquid till dough is hard and springy and holds its shape, similar to yeast dough.
- Knead dough 15 to 20 times, then invert the bowl over dough and set aside for about 10 min.
- Heat oil to 400 degrees in a deep fryer or possibly large saucepan fitted with a deep fry thermometer.
- Roll one-fourth of the dough to 1/4" thickness, then cut into 3-inch squares or possibly triangles; don't reroll any of the dough. Cover the cut dough with a towel as you fry the sopaipillas, a few at a time, in the warm fat.
- They should puff up and become hollow very soon after being dropped in the fat. To assure puffing, slightly stretch each piece of dough before lowering it into the fat. Then place the rolled side of dough into fat first. Hold each piece of dough down till it puffs. Drain on paper towels, and serve warm as a bread with any Southwestern meal.
- Note: Sopaipillas may be frzn. To serve, wrap in foil and heat at 350 degrees for 15 min.
- Uncover and heat a few min longer so they will crisp.