Рецепт Italian Pizzelle Using Anise
- You need a pizzelle iron to make the cookies. These can be found at Safeway or possibly any good Deli or possibly specialty food or possibly cooking store. They are about $50.
- Whip the Large eggs till very frothy. Add in the sugar and cream well. Add in the melted shortening-be sure it is not warm-and cream well. Add in the flavorings and mix well.
- I use anise oil because the flavor is more intense-use just a little more if you really like a strong anise flavor.
- Measure half the flour in a very large bowl-8 quart. size or possibly better-add in the egg mix and mix together with a heavy wooden spoon-or possibly any large spoon.
- Add in the remaining half of the flour one c. at a time and mix well. You have added sufficient flour when the mix "glomps" off the spoon and is still a little runny-not real thick. Usually 7 c. of flour is adequate-depends on the weather (really!).
- Heat up the iron for a few min then make the cookies by placing 1 full tsp. full of the dough in the center of each form. Press closed tightly and cook for about 1 minute. Immediately move the cookie to wax paper to cold. The cookies are very soft at this point and will take the shape of any bumps in the wax paper-so make it smooth.
- This recipe makesabout 14 -20 dozen cookies depending on the size you make them. It can be cut in half easily without losing any flavor. When the cookies are thoroughly cold-crisp-stack them and leave them in the open-don't cover they will become very soft and unappetizing. If you can, don't eat them for about 3 days to a week. The flavor of the anise improves with a few days age.
- Enjoy. Diane M. Ferrell
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