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Рецепт Instant Lentil and Kidney Bean Curry
by Nava Atlas

Instant Lentil and Kidney Bean Curry Posted by Jordan St. Clair-Jackson | No Comments Lentil and Kidney Bean Curry is a traditional Indian dish that combines two tasty and high-protein legumes. And while it usually doesn’t need to be veganized, in our minds, it needs to be simplified, as the typical recipe has 15 to 20 ingredients — a great percentage of them spices. Lots and lots of spices. We couldn’t have been more thrilled when an array of full-bodied Indian simmer sauces burst on the market — you can have your pick whether at a natural foods store or in the supermarket’s international aisle. From mild coconut-based blends to hot jalfrezi sauces, many are also vegan (at least an equal number contain dairy, so check labels. For this instant lentil and kidney bean curry, we chose to go spicy with jalfrezi, but use whatever kind of sauce you prefer. Serve with rice, couscous, or quinoa. Serves: 4 Time to table: 10 minutes What you need 15-ounce can brown lentils, drained and rinsed 15-ounce can kidney beans, drained and rinsed 2 to 3 scallions, sliced 12-to 16-ounce jar Indian simmer sauce, your favorite variety Cilantro as desired (save some for garnish) What to do 1  Combine all of the ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a simmer. Cook gently for 5 to 7 minutes, until piping hot. 2  Transfer to a serving container or serve straight from the pan with or over hot cooked grain. Garnish the dish or each serving with extra cilantro. Now, that was easy, wasn’t it? Photos: Evan Atlas See more Shameless Shortcut Recipes by Vegan Food Hacks. Categories: Shameless Shortcut Recipes, Vegan Food Hacks Trending Vegan Posts Easiest Buffalo Tofu Bites Ever 12 Apple Cider Vinegar Recipes: Pickles, Dressings, & Drinks Breakfast Peanut Butter Pizza with Jam and Fruit Mashed Potato Volcanoes with Hot Lava Fun and Healthy Food for Kids How to Make Waste-Free Nutritious School Lunches Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment Name * Email * Website