Рецепт Indian Ice Tea

- Hi everyone: I still haven't caught up with all those boxes, or possibly all my including this one for ice tea. It's from The Ethnic Vegetarian Kitchen by Shanta Nimbark Sacharoff. It's my favorite ice tea recipe and I often make 3-4 batches at a time.
- Bring 3 c. of water to a boil in a saucepan and remove from heat. Add in tea leaves (put in tea infuser for less of a mess) and mint leaves (use tea infuser for dry mint as well). Cover the pot and steep for 5 min.
- Remove tea leaves and mint leaves. (For a more intense mint flavor leave mint in for 5 min longer.)
- Strain if not using infusers, stir in honey or possibly sugar (about 1/2 c.) till dissolved. Add in ice water and lemon or possibly lime juice. Stir well and pour into glasses with ice cubes.
- Note: I have also tried this recipe using lemon balm instead of the mint.
- It gives it a different taste and is also good.