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Рецепт In My Kitchen May 2016
by Tandy Sinclair

April was an amazingly busy month! We started off at Lakeside Lodge and Spa and this was followed by a visit from our friends from London. We spent an amazing evening and day together and the children had a great time in our pool and playing with the puppy. This was followed by a visit to Johannesburg to see my sister and nieces who were here from Sydney for my father’s 70th birthday. I also got to spend time with friends and family which was amazing. Even better of course was coming home to my own bed. Somehow nothing beats that. My kitchens are topsy turvy at the moment as we are sort of living in the house for meals and television so I have moved my butcher’s block into the new kitchen. This post is also to wish Maureen who blogs over at Orgasmic Chef a speedy recovery and to thank her for hosting these regular in my kitchen posts. So, onto May 2016 and hopefully this month will be just as exciting as the last one.

I was given a bottle of watermelon jam with my copy of Two and I made scones from my FOMO box to enjoy with the jam. The scones did not last long.

Watermelon Jam

I made a batch of gingernut biscuits which had too much ginger in them for my taste buds. I adapted these to make cinnamon and vanilla biscuits. I took the ingredients with me to Johannesburg and my niece and I made mildly cinnamon flavoured biscuits together.

Dannii’s Healthy Gingernut Biscuits

Part of the joy of having a puppy is the snuffles and love you get. But, Scarlett is chewing her way through everything! She has destroyed my salad dressing bottle with her enthusiasm and eaten a book I had set aside to donate.

Dog Eared Book

This month Yuppiechef sent out an excellent box. I have made use of the biltong dukka and Moroccan rub and climbed straight into the marinated artichokes. When we are in Italy, carciofi is the one delicatessen item I buy on a daily basis. They are very expensive here and so this was a great treat. I have used the balsamic vinegar to flavour cooked red cabbage. The wine, panforte and truffle oil has been set aside for enjoyment at a later stage. I took the tea bags to my parents as I have so many bags of Earl Grey tea. I have used the box from the tea bags in our guest bedroom to hold the various tea bags I have on offer.

My nieces and I made the hot chocolate using cold milk and then set these in the mini pops kit I gave them as as gift.

Zoku Mini Pops

I decided to bring home a shower cap from our night away to use when I prove bread. I am working on a new recipe which I just cannot get right. That is not stopping Dave and I from enjoying the bread I make every second weekend.

Shower Cap

What I blogged May 4:

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About Tandy

Tandy is passionate about using regional, seasonable and sustainable produce when she cooks. She lives in Gordons Bay in a cottage with her husband, two dogs, a tortoise and a fish. Tandy and Dave are busy building a house which is an adventure all in itself. Each year they visit a new place to experience the food of the area and you can follow along on their adventures.