Рецепт I've Got My Goat, plus Now I smoke My Own!

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2 голоса | 308 визитов


We had a scary night last night when in the middle of a rainstorm our lights went out. Blam, instant darkness! we were rocketed back to the cave days, just candles, Alan,

the Wolf (Patsy the Siberian Husky)

and me with a goat in the fridge merrily defrosting.

That was my worry. That it would defrost way too fast, and my goaty feast would be ruined. Not to worry thanks to the brave lads at the PG&E, modern science prevailed and a few hours later, we had the lights on again. I found this out because having gone to bed in total darkness I thought I'd turned everything out. But how can one be sure of extinguishing a light that has already been outed. Paging Umberto Ecco!! Around 1:00 o' clock in the morning,the lights came…

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