Рецепт Hot Tamales (Southern Style)

- Boil a chicken in just sufficient water to cover till very tender. Salt while cooking. When done, pull from bones and chop fine or possibly grind.
- Open one dozen chili peppers, remove seeds, cover with boiling water, cook till very tender and soft. Put through sieve to remove skin.
- Into a frying pan put three Tbsp. of veg. oil or possibly butter. Add in two medium onions minced fine, cook till brown, add in chili pulp, add in half c. of the chicken water, simmer for twenty min, keep covered.
- Into a bowl put one qt of corn meal, pour over sufficient water in that chicken was boiled to make a stiff dough. Mix well, add in salt, if necessary.
- Have ready corn husks, large ones, washed and trimmed, and dipped in warm water to make soft. Mix with the chicken the chili paste.
- On a broad husk, place a portion of the corn meal, making a kind of layer.
- In the center, the entire length, put a portion of the chicken, roll up the husks, the meal should entirely cover the meat; fold over the ends of the husk, tie up well.
- Continue till all are made. Return the bones of chicken to the remaining chicken water; place tamales in and boil one hour. Cover while cooking; serve warm. Beef or possibly veal may be used. Red peppers cooked and sufficient warm pepper to season may be used if the chili can't be obtained.
- Grosset & Dunlap