Рецепт Hot Smoked Salmon with Lemon Herb Shortcake & Orange Vinaigrette

Hot smoked salmon ready for the table

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Orange vinaigrette ingredients.
Cream cheese, Greek yogurt, lemon and spices are used to top the shortcakes.
Mixed vegetables. I used what I had on hand. Any combination will work.
Combine cream cheese, yogurt, lemon juice and spices.
Two large handfuls of cleaned baby spinach make nice salad bed for two people.
Two boned and skinned salmon fillets about 6 oz each.
I was going to grill the vegetables but it started raining like crazy. I elected to stir fry instead.
Two ounces of Pecan wood were used.
Completed Orange vinaigrette.
Coat salmon with mustard, spices and pine nuts. Smoke at 225^ for about 40 minutes or until done to your liking.
Stir fry vegetables in peanut oil until crisp. Add salt/pepper to taste and some of the vinaigrette at the end of cooking.
A crisp Pinot Gris worked well with the dish.

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