Рецепт Hot Ginger Sauce Chicken
Ginger sauce chicken
My whole family loves ginger. Ginger is very warming and it’s especially welcoming in this freezing weather when temperature dropped to -7 degrees Celsius. This may not be cold to some people but it’s too cold for my Malaysian skin! I’ve been cooking soup everyday with added ginger and wine to keep warm. Apart from soup, Hot Ginger Sauce Chicken is another family favourite dish that’s very gingery and delicious. It is perfect for this cold weather and goes great with rice.
My children actually never liked ginger in the first place until one day they ate this dish at a pot luck party, cooked by a friend of mine. All of us immediately fell in love with it. I’m not sure how many times I’ve experimented with it to get the taste right. It must have been many times. It’s still not like my friend’s one but I’m happy with my dish, as long as my family likes it very much.
This is again a very simple and easy recipe. There’s no frying….just boil and mix.
Ingredients A
8 chicken thighs
Put a pot of water to boil. Once it boils, put in the chicken thighs and let it boil for about 10-15 minutes. Do not over boil otherwise the chicken meat will be tough. You want it just cooked. Also, it’s important to use chicken thighs here as they are very tender and juicy. You can check for doneness by piercing the thickest part of the chicken thigh with a fork. If the juice runs clear, then it’s cooked. Dish up and let cool. While waiting, make the sauce below.
- Ingredients B (ginger sauce)
- 6 spring onions
- 200g ginger (washed and finely pounded)
- 2T oyster sauce
- 1T light soya sauce
- 2T wine
- 4T fried shallot oil
- 2T sesame oil
- Making the ginger sauce
The ginger has to be well pounded or processed. I passed it through my masticating juicer, which is an awesome juicer. It juices and it grinds. Put everything together in a pot and bring to boil. Stir well and remove from the heat.
When the chicken pieces are cold enough to handle, tear them into bite sized pieces and put them in a bowl. Pour the sauce over the chicken pieces, mix it well and serve immediately. It’s very delicious with rice.
Give this dish a try even if you are not very keen on ginger. You may end up liking it like my children. Use less ginger to start maybe.
Do you like ginger? Do you have a nice ginger recipe to share? Please share, add and comment in the comment box below.
More chicken recipes at http://www.keeplearningkeepsmiling.com/recipes that you may be interested.
Quote of the day……
”Champions aren’t born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work.”
Keith Brown
Keep Learning Keep Smiling