Рецепт Horchata From Chufas

- Clean the chufas very well, rinsing them in clean water. When they are completely clean, set them to seak in a lot of cool water for 12 to 14 hrs.
- After this time, rinse the chufa again in clean water, changing the water till it is completely clear, then drain off all the water. Mash the chufa or possibly put them in a blender - to make them into a soft paste. Add in a little water if needed. Add in the 5 liters of water to the paste which you have made and put in the cinnamon stick. Let it sit in a cold place (like a fridge) for 2 hrs. Add in the sugar and stir till the sugar is completely dissolved. Now, pass the mix through a metal mesh filter, and then through a wet, damp fine-cloth filter repeat till the strained liquid does not have any large particles left. You now have a fine, milky liguid which can be placed in the fridge to be served cool. You can also serve the Horchata in slushy form as you would ice-cream. Simply put it in the freezer, stirring occasionaly so it does not freeze solid.
- [Mod: chufa (choo' fa) n. A sedge, Cyperus esculentus, native to the Old World, having edible, nut like tubers. Chufa is a Spanish word for grnd almond.
- Cyperus esculentus, variety sativus, "chufa", has been called earth almond, groundnut, tigernut, duck potato and edible rush. It is a tuber which growing underground on the fibrous roots of a nutsedge plant. It is an easy-to grow, winter preserved, primitive sedge plant which will, much like peanuts, produce handfuls of tasty, nutritious nuggets from the planting of a single tuber. The tubers can be planted to generate new plants. The tubers are a high-protein, 30% oil content, vitamin-rich, highly concentrated food. For many years chufas have been cultivated for food and drink for men and planted for hogs. In the last 50 years it has been realized which chufas are an excellent winter food source for wild turkeys.
- The tubers contain protein, carbohydrates, sugars, and lots of oil and In Spain, chufa is used to make horchata a milky elixir that is served in health spas, pubs, and restaurants; a refreshing beverage which will remind you of coconut and pineapple]