Рецепт Homemade Lime Sherbet
Homemade Lime Sherbet
August 12, 2015 by Creative Culinary 2 Comments
So you think you know sherbet? Unless you’ve tried some homemade sherbet maybe not. This 4 ingredient wonder is so good, SO amazing that it just makes most anything you’ve probably bought a non-sherbet. A colorful but dull fabrication that you will never be satisfied with again once you do the job yourself. And it’s so easy to prepare. Combine half and half with sugar, juice and rind using any combination of those ingredients and you are ready to dive into amazing sherbet land.
My first choice this summer was Lime Sherbet. No vibrant colors to be found, just some flecks of lime zest color this creation. But the end result is not one bit affected by the lack of artificial color. Bright, tart, cold and did I say tart? I am smitten every year and yet I thought it too simple to ever post. I needed a boost from someone else to finally make this post a reality and now I’m on a roll and the ideas are churning along with the ice creams.
Ever wondered what the difference is between ice cream, sherbet (sometimes mistakenly called sherbert) and sorbet? While ice cream is typically made from heavy cream and high in fat and sorbets contain no dairy at all, sherbets are expected to contain anywhere from 1 to 3 percent milk-fat from milk or cream. So if I had made this with 2% or whole milk (3.25% milk-fat) it would be closer to that true sherbet distinction. I call it a sherbet because it’s ‘lightness of being’ is evident and yet the use of half and half (10.5% milk-fat) does serve to nicely elevate it without taking it into true ice cream territory. Admittedly the half and half does make for a richer, more indulgent treat and I love it too much to even consider anything else but if you want to cut your fat calories, try using milk; the flavor will still be amazing. The combination of the sweetened half and half and the acidic citrus makes for an almost perfect combination. Lime, lemon, blood orange and grapefruit sherbets are my favorites and now I’m wondering why I’ve never tried making a version that swirls at least three of those together. I’ve made note; that will be done!
This is how I love ice cream; while still really cold but just a bit ‘melty.’ When I can push it all down inside the cone and have a bite of a sweet, sugar cone with every lick of this tart wonderfulness. I made less than a quart. I should have made a gallon especially since limes this summer avoided the Limeaggedon we experienced last year and have been super cheap at the market. I’ve already made an amazing Strawberry, Basil and Lemon version I’ll be sharing tomorrow for my Food Network #SummerSoiree post. I could not choose a favorite among them; I love them all. I’m serious. Where can I find a sherbet freezer?
- Homemade Lime Sherbet Author: Barb Serves: 6 servings Ingredients
- 2 teaspoons lime zest (approx 2 limes) ½ cup lime juice (2-3 limes) 2 cups half and half ½ cup sugar Preparation
Zest and juice the limes. Combine the lime zest and juice with the half and half and sugar; stir until sugar is combined. Pour it all into ice cream maker and freeze according to ice cream maker directions. When ready store in freezer safe containers until ready to serve. 3.3.3077