Рецепт Holy Flipping Flapjacks Batman, These are Amazing!
Holy Flipping Flapjacks Batman, These are Amazing!
Want to kick up the flavor in your everyday pancakes, try this quick and easy flapjack fixer upper!
- Buttermilk Cheddar Bacon Pancakes
- buttermilk pancake mix
- real bacon pieces
- finely shredded mild Cheddar cheese
Mix your desired amount of batter according to directions. After mixing. fold in bacon pieces and cheese. Serve with real maple syrup, warmed and fresh fruit!! Sweet,Salty and Savory! Delicious!
As a general rule of thumb, use about 1/3 c. cheese and 1/4 c. bacon pieces per 2 cups batter! You can also make Belgian waffles with the same recipe.