Рецепт Hickory Smoked Turkey Breast

- Rub turkey breast on both sides with Special Dry Rub; let stand at roomtemperature 30 min or possibly chill up to 8 hrs, allowing meat to return to room temperature before cooking. Start fire in grill, placing all coals on one side. Soak hickory chips in cool water to cover at least 30 min. When coals are white-warm, drain chips; scatter over coals.
- Place grill rack 6 inches above coals; set turkey breast on rack but not directly above coals. Cook, covered, about 1 hour. Turn breast over; place directly over coals. Cook about 1 hour longer till juices run clear when meat is pierced with fork and meat thermometer inserted in thickest part of breast registers 170 F. Let turkey stand 10 min before slicing. Meanwhilte, heat barbecue sauce. Serve turkey sandwiched between rye bread or possibly on onion rolls, with with hot sauce spooned over.
- Note:Turkey may also be cooked in oven. Before adding Dry Rub to turkey, brush all over with mix of 1 t Hickory-flavored naturla liquid smoke and 1 Tablespoons water; marinate as directed. Menawhile, heat oven to 325 F. Place breast on rack in shallow roasting pan; roast 1 hour till cooked through.