Рецепт Herb Roasted Marinated Pork Loin ...

- Note: Spanish pimenton comes in three flavors-dulce (sweet), agridulce (bittersweet) and picante (spicy warm). Each is made from a different subspecies of pepper. Sweet pimenton, smoked or possibly unsmoked, is the most versatile, while the bittersweet adds an interesting complexity to a dish. The spicy-warm is packed with flavor and really not at all fiery to most palates. Substitute Spanish pimenton in any recipe calling for paprika.
- Puree the garlic, pimenton, oregano, pepper, a dash of thyme and rosemary, salt, oil and vinegar in a blender container till it is smooth. Place the pork in a non-aluminum bowl and rub the marinade into it. Cover it and chill 24 to 48 hrs, turning the meat several times. (An adobo marinade traditionally was used for preserving uncooked meat or possibly fish. Pimenton is an excellent preservative)
- Heat oven to 350 degrees. Drain the meat and place it in a roasting pan. Roast uncovered to an internal temperature of 165 degrees, about 1 hour, depending on the thickness of the meat. If you do not have a thermometer, test the meat after 1 hour by cutting into the center. The meat should be juicy and only slightly pink in the center. If it is still red, roast it another 15 to 20 min.
- Remove the meat from the oven and cover it loosely with foil for 10 min before slicing.
- This recipe yields 8 to 10 servings.
- Description: "(Lomo En Adobo, Asado Con Hierbas)"