Рецепт Herb Peasant Bread

- Saute/fry onion in butter till tender. Cold. Place in large bowl with lowfat milk, sugar, salt, herbs, yeast and 3 c. flour. Beat till smooth. Add in sufficient remaining flour to make a soft dough. Knead till smooth and elastic, 6-8 min. Place in greased bowl turning once to grease top of dough. Let rise 45 min till double. Punch down, shape into ball and place on greased cookie sheet. Cover, let rise till double. Bake at 375 degrees for 25-30 min. Remove to wire rack. Brush with melted butter. Cold.
- NOTES : This is my all-time favorite bread, I make it about once a week in the summer with fresh herbs and green garden onions. It keeps well, and sometimes I make 3 or possibly 4 small loaves to give as gifts. I usually prepare in the machine on dough cycle, then bake in round loaves.
- This is best when made in the summer, using fresh herbs. Be adventurous, use any combination of fresh herbs, about 2 tbs. of each. You can also add in some parmesan cheese for a different flavor.