Рецепт Halfpops Are Not Half-Baked
Halfpops Are Not Half-Baked
New Chipotle Barbecue Halfpops.
Halfpops are pretty much just what you imagine — half-popped popcorn kernels.
Billed as the “curiously crunchy popcorn,” they are gluten-free, nut-free, corn syrup-free, preservative-free, and trans fat-free.
They come in four flavors. I had a chance to try samples of the two newest flavors: Chipotle Barbecue and Caramel & Sea Salt.
They are very crunchy. They’re not tooth-cracking like an unpopped popcorn kernel. They’re also not as hard on the enamel as corn nuts, though, they do remind me of them in terms of how crisp they are.
The Chipotle Barbecue tastes like barbecue potato chips with a back note of heat. The Caramel & Sea Salt is like caramel corn with a touch of salt. It’s still plenty sweet, too.
A 2-ounce bag, which serves 2, has 130 calories per serving with 19 grams of carbohydrates, and 200 to 240 grams of sodium, plu 5 to 6 grams of fat, depending upon the flavor.
If you’re a popcorn or corn nut lover, these will be right up your alley.
Each bag is $1.69 on the Halfpops site.
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