Рецепт Haddock Mousse

- Dissolve gelatine in water.
- Mix fish with some of the cream and blend well together Add in remaining cream and seasoning mix well.
- Put in individual moulds dampenedThis dish will freeze successfully
- Prawn creams
- 1 ounce butter1 ounce flour1 pt milk1 tsp. celery saltpinch white pepperjuice 1/2 a lemongrated nutmeg2 Tbsp. grated Parmesan cheese2 ounce cooked prawns
- Heat the butter and stir in the flour cook for 2 mins without browning.
- Add in lowfat milk and continue cooking stirring till mix thickens.
- Season with celery salt and pepper and stir in the grated cheese.
- Add in strained lemon juice and continue cooking till the cheese is melted.
- Stir in the prawns saving a few for decoration.
- Serve very warm in small portions with a sprinkling of nutmeg