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Рецепт Grilled Lamb Steaks; meanderings
by Katie Zeller

In the words of my favorite cousin….

I have stopped fiddle-farting around and made the jump.

I have redirected the RSS feed (http://thymeforcookingblog/feed/) to the new server.

Feedburner, the old service, was easy and free.

Changing has been neither.

But challenges keep us young, right?

So do new flavors.

Since my thoughts are on Marrakesh these days i decided to add some Moroccan spices to our lamb steaks.

The steaks are actually slices of lamb leg. They are leaner, meatier and just as tender as lamb chops.

Grilled Lamb Steaks with Spicy Rub

Total time: 20 minutes



Mix all dry ingredients for rub.

Rub over steaks and let rest while grill heats.

Cook on barbecue grill for 2 minutes per side for medium rare. a bit longer if you like them more done.

Mon mari decided that it would be prudent to haul all the bathroom stuff up and get it sort of in place before any of the walls went up…. Open spaces being easier than doors.

Also easier to do the plumbing without those pesky walls getting in the way.

Once the walls went up it looked like an isolated shed being built in the middle of nowhere.

Sheet rock went up on the walls, the sub-floor was done and the tub and shower frames were laid out.

Then the walls for the showers and frame for the tub were done.

Followed by the frame for the sinks….

The tiling was finished, the cabinets finished, and we had our master bathroom.

In case you think this was all done quickly, you would be wrong…..

Bathrooms and kitchens always take a long time – especially when all the cabinets are made as well.

Of course that does mean that I get drawers and doors of any shape and size my little heart desires.

In case anyone noticed, this post is a day late…. We had thunderstorms all yesterday afternoon and evening which mean on internet chez nous.

Last update on September 1, 2015
