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Рецепт Grilled Brownie Smores Skillet {Dessert on the Grill}
by Mommy's Kitchen

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Happy Saturday everyone! Nothing says "summer" like a good old backyard grill out. Most weekends that's where you'll find my family. We love grilling year round, but especially in the summer. Chicken, pork, beef or veggies I love grilling them all.

Well, my husband actually does all the grilling, me not so much. Usually I'm in charge of getting everything together and then passing it on to him to cook. When I was in Bentonville, Arkansas. last month I had the honor of meeting Robyn Lindars from the Grill Grrrl Blog.

Her blog is all about teaching us girls the art of grilling. While in Bentonville she cooked us up a wonderful lunch and dessert all prepared on the grill. All I could do was sit back and watch her do her magic. I have to say grilling kind of intimidates me, but Robyn made it look so easy.

As part of the Walmart Moms program I was asked to take part in a Grilling Challenge. Walmart asked us to think outside the box and come up with a creative dish cooked on the grill. For me a chocolaty dessert immediately came mind.

I love my cast iron cookware, so I found a recipe for a Grilled Brownie Smore's Skillet. Since we were having Grilled Pizza for dinner I thought making a dessert to go along side would be perfect.

We fired up the grill and started on the pizza. As soon as the pizza was cooked I mixed up the brownie batter and started preparing the smores skillet. I actually did the whole thing from start to finish all by myself. I think Grill Grrrl would be so excited, because I know I was!

My favorite part of this whole thing was knowing that dessert was baking away on the grill while we sat and enjoyed pizza together. The brownie skillet baked up perfectly and the marshmallows puffed up like fluffy golden pillows. It was a skillet full of chocolaty goodness.

I purchased everything I needed at my local Walmart. Graham Crackers, brownie mix + ingredients to make brownies, eggs, oil (I used coconut oil), water, mini marshmallows, semi - sweet chocolate chips and a 11-12 inch cast iron skillet.

Start by heating your outdoor grill to 325 degrees. Brush oil (I used coconut oil) into a 11 -12 inch cast iron skillet. Prepare brownie mix according to package directions (adding the eggs, oil & water). Pour the batter into the skillet.

Add the graham cracker crumbs and place on the grill to bake. Bake for 25-35 minutes at 300-325 degrees with the lid closed. Avoid opening the lid to check the brownies during this time so the heat stays inside and creates an oven effect. Test with tooth pick, don’t over cook, but make sure the brownie is more than half way cooked.

Remove from grill and add the chocolate chips and then the mini marshmallows. Make sure not to overcrowd the pan with marshmallows, because the marshmallows will swell up and puff during heating.

Place skillet back on the grill and cook until the marshmallows are lightly brown about 3-5 minutes. Run a knife along the edge to test brownie without disturbing marshmallows. If the brownies do not brown fast enough on the grill you can place them under your oven broiler for 1-2 minutes (watch closely to prevent burning).

Enjoy warm with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Grilled Brownie Smores Skillet

1 - boxed brownie mix (13 x 9 in) plus

Heat Grill to 325 degrees. Brush oil or coconut oil in a 11 - 12 inch cast iron skillet. Prepare brownie mix according to package directions (adding the eggs, oil & water). Pour the batter into the skillet.

Place graham cracker crumbs on top of brownie mix. Place skillet on outdoor grill and cook for 25-35 minutes at 300-325 degrees with the grill lid closed. Avoid opening the lid to check the brownies during this time so the heat stays inside and creates an oven effect.

Test with tooth pick, don’t over cook, but make sure the brownie is more than half way cooked. Add chocolate chips and then add mini marshmallows on top making sure not to overcrowd the pan. The marshmallows will swell up and puff during heating.

Place skillet back on grill until marshmallows are lightly brown about 3-5 minutes. The skillet will stay hot so the brownie will continue to cook. Place knife along edge to test brownie without disturbing marshmallows.

If the brownies do not brown fast enough on the grill you can place them under your oven broiler for 1-2 minutes (watch closely).

This dessert is best served warm and hot off the grill. Do not try to cut into pieces or you will pull all the marshmallows off. Just use a spoon and scoop out each serving. You may need to use two spoons or a knife to help scoot off the brownie mixture into serving bowls.

Top with vanilla ice cream and enjoy.

Cook's Note: For even heat when baking, separate the charcoal into two piles, one on each side of the grill, and place your baking pan or skillet in between.

Adapted from: Createby - Diane

Need more recipe ideas? Check out the Recipe Index by Mommy’s Kitchen.

This is a sponsored post. As a participant in the Walmart Moms Program, I have received a GC and compensation for my time and efforts in creating this post. All thoughts and opinions stated above are 100% entirely my own.