Это предварительный просмотр рецепта "Green Gram Wheat Kachori".

Рецепт Green Gram Wheat Kachori
by Praveen Kumar


1. Add water and little salt to wheat flour.

2. Knead to a chapati dough consistency.

3. Grind together the coriander seeds, green gram and little salt.

4. Add red chilli powder and mix well.

5. Heat 1 tsp oil in a pan.

6. Add the green gram mixture and stir-fry for a minute or two.

7. Make small balls of this mixture and keep aside.

8. Make small balls of the chapati dough and roll them into small puris.

9. Add one of the balls and fold well. Roll them again into small puris.

10. Heat oil in a frying pan.

11. Deep fry the puris till golden brown and remove.

12. Serve hot with ketchup.

Note: image is for illustration purposes only and not that of the actual recipe.

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