Это предварительный просмотр рецепта "Green Chile Macaroni and Cheese".

Рецепт Green Chile Macaroni and Cheese
by Barbara Kiebel

When I first started ‘Whatever Wednesday’ my main intent was to bring some great recipes, buried in the archives, to the front of the line. This is one of those and I still love the reminder of how much I’ve changed when it comes to peppers that are green (well, most of them!). I hope you enjoy this the 2nd time around as much as we did for dinner the other night.

Did you ever decide to make something that sounds good, sure…but the end result is SO much better than the expectation? This was certainly one of those times for me.

What is surprising is the abundance of peppers. I have a green pepper intolerance. Before you shake your head in agreement it’s not what you think. They don’t bother my stomach. My intolerance is more akin to the fact that just the scent of them makes me grimace. My sister too and my kids (nature or nurture argument?).

When I first moved to Colorado 25 years ago I put on the same face for jalapeno peppers. After all, they were green. But over time, I would have the occasional dish with the ‘J’ word and I found that although I could not quite tolerate the heat of them like some, I didn’t find their flavor offensive like I did their unripened cousin.

Fast forward to today and my oh my…I even like RED PEPPERS; another poor orphan I ignored solely based on DNA (or whatever it is that proves plants share some commonality!) and eat Jalapeno raw, purposely even! This dish luckily has Poblano Green Chiles and Red Peppers and no…I did not eschew the reviled green and omit it (which is the norm) I just think it’s important to note I’m using peppers at ALL!

The recipe is from the RSVP section of Bon Appetit magazine wherein the magazine seeks out recipes that have been requested by readers for dishes they have had in eating establishments all over the world. If someone takes the time to request a dish from Bon Appetit, I find they are most often as wonderful as the reader thought they were. This included.

Bon Appetit Magazine, December 2010

Roaring Fork – Scottsdale, Arizona

Green Chile Macaroni and Cheese

A stovetop version of mac and cheese with a spicy green chile flavor.


1/2 cup grated Monterey Jack cheese (the original recipe calls for Hot Pepper Monterey Jack which I did not have and I don't think it needs but if you have it or want the additional heat...go for it!)


Char whole chile directly over gas flame or in broiler until blackened on all sides. Transfer to brown paper bag and seal. Let stand 15 minutes.

Peel, seed and coarsely chop chile and put in processor. Add whipping cream and process until smooth.

Heat oil in large, heavy saucepan over medium high heat.

Add 1/4 cup chopped raw chile, red bell pepper, onion and garlic. Saute until soft about 4 minutes.

Add corn, still for 1 minute.

Add the cream and chile puree and bring to a boil.

Add macaroni and cheese and stir til cheese is melted and mixture is heated through.

Season with salt and pepper and serve.


I doubled this recipe and let's just say I'm glad I did!



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