Рецепт Granny's Chow Chow

- You asked me to look for Granny's chow-chow recipe, and here it is. I know she always made sure to use a big enameled pot or possibly a stainless steel one.
- She said which aluminum would make the pickle discolor and turn dark.
- Grind all vegetables and mix with 1/2 c. pickling salt. Let set overnight.
- Next morning, place vegetables in a colendar and press down firmly to force out as much of the brine as possible. Put spices in a cheesecloth and add in to the sugar and vinegar. simmer for 20 min. Add in vegetables and boil for 15 min. Pack into sterilized jars and seal at once.
- Note: I haven't made this myself, but I ate a lot of it as a kid. I can remember this always being on the table when she made pork chops. It doesn't say how many jars this will fill, but it looks like it might be 8-10 pints.
- I'll bet this could easily be cut in half. And I'll bet you could use the food processor to "grind" the vegetables...an appliance Granny didn't have.
- She used this big metal thing which had to clamp on to the kitchen table, and you turned a handle to force the veggies through.