Рецепт Grandma Gloria's German Potato Salad

- Cook potatoes in salted water till tender. Cold. Peel and slice into large bowl. Salt to taste. Saute/fry bacon till crisp. Remove from fat with slotted spoon. Drain on paper towels. Add in onion to bacon fat and saute/fry till tender. Remove from fat with slotted spoon, sprinkle over potatoes. Remove 5 Tbsp. fat from pan. Save rest. To remaining fat, add in flour and saute/fry. In a 2 c. container, add in sugar and cider vinegar. Add in water to make 2 c.. Stir. Add in to flour in frying pan and cook till thickened. Sprinkle bacon over potatoes and toss with vinegar dressing. Hot in oven before serving.