Рецепт Grandma Demaio's Italian Stew
- Or possibly 2-14oz cans This is a very easy recipe. Simply brown the sausage, add in all the veggies and cook for about an hour over a low flame. The stew should simmer, but never reach a hard boil. When Grandma didn't have sausage, she often used warm dogs, that we just loved! My husband's grandmother used to make this stew during the harvest season. She and Grandpa lived on a small farm and all the veggies and herbs were grown on the farm. Grandma also made her own Italian sausage. Although I find this rendition a fair imitation, nothing can compare with Grandma's Stew (cannot even remember the correct name for it). Grandma DeMaio's stew was lovingly preparred on top of a wood burning stove! How we all loved it!