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Рецепт Golden Pull-apart Butter buns
by Pavani

Bake-a-thon 2014: Day 3

Bake of the Day: Dinner Rolls

I love to bake and I'm always looking for opportunities to bake new recipes. I volunteered to bake something for our Thanksgiving potluck and bookmarked a new bread recipe but I couldn't buy one of the ingredients on time to make that bread. So I decided to bake these simple dinner rolls instead. They were a super hit at the party.

Recipe is from King Arthur flour and these dinner rolls are soft and fluffy. I replaced some of the all-purpose flour with whole wheat flour and they were still so fluffy and delicious. Adding too much whole wheat flour might make these buns too dense, so make sure not to over-do with the whole wheat flour.

The addition of potato flour and dry milk powder makes these rolls super soft and delicious. But the potato flour can be easily replaced with instant mashed potato flakes. Nonfat dry milk powder is easily available in any grocery store.

These dinner rolls are perfect side to any meal, but they are also great split with some butter and jam. My son eats them with a little bit of Nutella :-)

Recipe adapted from here.

Ingredients: Makes 16 rolls


Combine all the ingredients in a large mixing bowl or the bowl of a stand mixer. Mix and knead to make a soft, smooth dough.

Place the dough in a lightly greased container. Cover and allow the dough to rise for 60~90 minutes, until it's just about double in volume.

Gently deflate the dough and transfer to a lightly greased work surface.

Divide the dough into 16 equal pieces. Round each piece into a smooth ball.

Lightly grease 2 8" round baking pans. Arrange the buns evenly in each pan.

Cover the pan and allow the buns to rise for another 60~90 minutes or until they're crowded against each other and are quite puffy.

Preheat the oven to 350°F towards the end of the rising time.

Uncover the buns and bake them for 22~24 minutes, or until they are golden brown on top. An instant read thermometer inserted into the middle of the center bun should register at least 190°F.

Remove the buns from the oven and brush them with melted butter. After couple of minutes, turn them out of the pan onto a cooling rack.

Serve warm. Cool the leftovers and store them wrapped tightly at room temperature.