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Рецепт Golden Cinnamon Buns (Secret Recipe Club)
by A Couple in the Kitchen

As members of the Secret Recipe Club, we are assigned someone's food blog each month and we choose one of their recipes and make it our own. When we were assigned We Heart Vegan this month, we were a little nervous. Many of the vegan recipes on this beautiful blog, written by Brittany and Julie, include ingredients that frankly, we just aren't familiar with. However, when we spotted this recipe for quick, delicious, golden cinnamon rolls that could be made in about an hour, we were intrigued.

Many club members may think we are crazy for cutting it so close, but we made them just this morning, as we have today off from school for Presidents' Day. The aroma of cinnamon is still lingering in the house, and the couple of rolls that we have not yet eaten are calling out to us: "I'm so yummy! Come back and devour me!"

Sticky, gooey, warm and scrumptious, we truly enjoyed making and eating these sweet cinnamon buns. They were much better than anything we could buy in a popping can or at the mall, and it was satisfying to be able to control the ingredients and make a homemade breakfast bun so quickly and easily. What a perfect treat for a chilly winter's morning! Thank you, Brittany and Julie, for the recipe.

Note: We decided to give the recipe a try using ingredients we had on hand, which means that they aren't vegan, and we are truly hoping that Brittany and Julie won't be offended by our use of dairy products. Also, we prefer Roasted Saigon Cinnamon for its powerful punch.

Golden Cinnamon Buns

For the dough:

Combine the golden syrup ingredients in a medium saucepan over medium-low heat and stir until sugar is dissolved and syrup is thin and smooth. Drizzle syrup over hot cinnamon buns and enjoy fresh out of the oven.