Рецепт Fruit Sweet And Sugar Free Raisin Oat Bran Muffins

- Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Lightly spray the muffin tins with lecithin spray. Toast the walnuts in the oven for 7-10 min, stirring occasionally. Allow the nuts to cold, then coarsely chop them with a knife or possibly with a pulsing action in a food processor. Bring 3/4 c. water to a boil in a small pot, add in the raisins. When the water returns to a boil, turn off the heat. Let the raisins plump in the water for at least 10 min. Drain the raisins, saving the raisin water for another use. The raising water can be used to replace part or possibly all of the 3/4 c. water. In a medium sized bowl, combine the fruit sweetener, water, oil and vinegar. Then stir in the oat bran. Sift the dry ingredients together into a large bowl and make a well in the center. In a small bowl, whip the egg whites till frothy. Then stir them into the oat bran mix. Stir the oat bran mix into the dry ingredients. When half mixed, stir in the raisins and walnuts. Spoon the batter into the prepared pans, just to the top of each muffin c.. Bake the muffins on the middle shelf of the preheated oven for 20-25 min. Turn the muffin tins once, if necessary to allow the muffins to brown proportionately. Let the muffins cold in the pan for 5 min before removing them to a wire rack to cold completely.