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Рецепт Fruit custard Indian style
by Nisha

The word dessert is derived from the French word "desseriv" meaning "to clear the table". It is a sweet course mostly served at the end to conclude a meal, varying widely from cake to puddings to pies and even chocolates & Ice creams. Apart from this every region has its own pick depending on its locally available produce and ingredients. While in most part of the world dessert may be a last course but there are few exceptions like India, where the sweets are served first.

Indian meals did not have a dessert component until recently. Usually the "sweets" are served either at the beginning or in between courses. Sweet dishes like Kheer or Payasam is usually served in between the courses in traditional gatherings and weddings. More western exposure and eating out often at present, has changed our convention. With interesting menu names and enchanting presentations, even the simplest of Indian sweets have become decadent desserts in restaurants. One such simple sweet is today's post.

This recipe is very easy to make and it is a semi home made dish. If you have custard powder (store bought) at hand, then you can whip this up in a jiffy. The goodness of the fruits are combined with a rich decadent custard to give us a wholesome dessert.

Fruit custard Indian style

A delicious custard served with fresh cut fruits and topped with nuts.

Prep Time: 10 Mins | Cook Time: 15 Mins | Total Time: 25 Mins | Serves: 3-4



Bring 1 3/4 Cups milk and sugar to a boil. In the remaining milk add the custard powder and mix it well.

Once the milk boils, add this custard powder mixed milk gradually. Keep stirring continuously while adding as it prevents forming lumps.

Simmer it for about 3-4 minutes until it thickens, stirring frequently.

Cool it completely and chill this in refrigerator until ready to serve.

Just before serving add the fruits and mix it well. Top it with nuts of your choice and serve it chill.


The thickness of the custard is ones preference. The above recipe will yield a semi thick custard. If you want the custard to be thick and fully set, add another tbsp of custard powder and simmer it for a few more minutes. Just make sure it is not very thin. A thin consistency will not have the rich flavour and it will not combine well with the fruits.

Also use fruits that are sweeter in nature viz, banana, apple, pear, pomegranate. Fruits like mango, pine apple will not suit this dish.

This post is for Blogging Marathon 47 under the theme "Indian Dessert". Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 47 here.